
José Pereira Fernandes


He was born in Leiria in 14 of February of 1966


Académica formation


Licenciatura in Right, October of 1989, Lusíada University, in Lisbon, in the mention of Legal

Complementary formation


Frequency of Mestrado in History Politics, the New University, 2005-2007
After-Graduation in High European Studies and European Community law, Lusíada University, 1993
Advanced program of Human resources, University Catholic, Lisbon, 1997

Professional experience


Lawyer, enrolled in the Bar Association since 1991
Exercise of law since 1991, with special incidence in the areas of Right of the Work, Right Comercial and Societário, Contracts law, Rights in rem, Right of the Social Communication and Copyrights. Of this experience it detaches the accompaniment and negotiation of international contracts
From August of 1998 it exerts law in Lisbon, integrated in this equips

Complementary experience


Aid of the Cabinet of Minister-Aid of First-Minister of XV the Constitutional Government, 2002-2004
Colunista of the “Semanário Económico”, 2005-2007
Director-aid of the weekly “Euronotícias”, 1999-2001
Publisher of the economy magazine “Exame”, 1991-1999
Economic commentator of the radio “Renascença”, 1996-1999
“Prémio Economic Journalism/Banif”, 1993

Published workmanships


Co-author of the book “Assalto ao BPA”, Publishing company Bertrand, 1995
Co-author of the book “Enquadramento Jurídico da União Europeia”, Petrony Bookstore, 1994
Articles on economy and politics in the behind described orgãos of social communication

Languages and other Qualifications


Fluente in said English and writing
Fluente in Frenchman and said Spaniard
Good knowledge of computer science in the optics of the user



Reading, music, trips